More than 15,000 in the UK may already be infected by ‘Gameover Zeus’

In the news today!

“Powerful computer virus could start emptying bank accounts in a fortnight unless Britons protect against attack now, National Crime Agency warns

The virus could cost the British economy millions, experts warn The software can also lock computers and demand a ransom to unlock Russian Evgeniy Mikhailovich Bogachev accused of being virus mastermind Alleged gang also consists of British criminals, according to prosecutors”

Read more:


We recommend letting an letting an ‘expert’ complete an extra check of the health of your computers as soon as you can – This will give you some comfort and it is always better to be safe than sorry.

If you wish to do this yourself:- We recommend using your antivirus scanner to perform a full scan (and if something is found, write it down, follow the instructions to remove where possible and, if at all unsure, let us know so we can research and perform a deeper double check and removal)

Also check you are up to date with the Windows updates.

If you are not technically minded or just don’t have the time, we are offering a service to do all this (i.e. a full health check) for £50 per machine or £30 per machine for 5 or more. (All prices are + VAT)

If you would like to take up this service and therefore let us assist, please email Quoting reference HealthCheck and we will call you back.

Block (or recommend staff do not open) email attachments containing executable files or ZIP files with executable files like EXE and SCR.

Install antivirus software. Although not perfect, antivirus software can still catch a large percentage of malware and reduce noise. Free antivirus software such as Microsoft Security Essentials or AVG Free are just as good as commercial offerings, so don’t feel like you have to pay money to get a good product.

Consider subscribing to our anti spam gateway – please enquire.