GetOnIT is proud to support the charity Circus Starr this year. Circus Starr comes to Bournemouth on the 28th May and GetOnIT has is pleased to help support by donating tickets. Being able to experience the magic and excitement that a trip to the circus brings is something that disadvantaged and disabled children might not get the opportunity to do if it wasn’t for Circus Starr and the support of local businesses. It’s a fantastic way for us to ‘give something back’ to our local community.

Circus Starr is a touring circus with world-class professional artists from around the world. They operate their unique donated ticket programme to allow thousands of children to attend the show. The money they raise helps 70+ local charities including children’s hospices and hospitals, young carers, foster homes, SEN schools, Women’s Refuges and a range of charities supporting vulnerable children, as well as putting on a show for the children it seeks to support.

If you want to join us in supporting this wonderful charity, head over to their website at to find out more.

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